Live Local East Dallas

Happy Hour Networking
4th Tuesday of Each Month
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Check calendar for locations
Free For Members/$10 for Guests

Rise and Shine Breakfast Networking
2nd Tuesday of Each Month
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Live Local East Dallas Mission:
Encouraging the Community to think LOCAL first while recognizing the economic and community benefits of doing business locally.
About Live Local
The Live Local East Dallas campaign was started in May 2009 when a group of local business and community members gathered together to strategize how we could educate and emphasize the benefits of trying to conduct business, shop, and/or eat locally.
Merging with The East Dallas Chamber in 2015, the  campaign continues to encourage all of East Dallas to think before conducting any sort of business outside of the East Dallas area. We hope to remind businesses and individuals alike that they have it within their power to make decisions that will keep neighbors employed, locally owned businesses open, community non-profits serving, and many of our annual local events happening.
How can you help with the LIVE LOCAL EAST DALLAS movement:
- LIVE IT: Choose to do as much business as possible, banking, shopping, eating, real estate, hair, nails, legal services, entertainment etc. Calculate what percentage of products and services you currently use local sources for  and challenge yourself to increase that 20-30%.
- INVITE OTHERS: Remind your friends to shop local, suggest local businesses to them and encourage them to explore our community. Â Check out the East Dallas Chamber directory for a listing of local businesses.
- VOLUNTEER to help with our campaign, sell signs, join the East Dallas Chamber of Commerce and participate in the  Live Local committee.
- EDUCATE your friends and neighbors about how Live Local East Dallas can help our community. Display a yard sign in your business or yard, tell businesses you visit that you are a supporter of this movement.
L-I-V-E Â Local. because EVERYTHING WE NEED really is ...right here!Â